Welcome to Riviera Hall’s STEM Program!
Our STEM Program is designed to teach hands on project based activities from TK- 8th Grade. PLTW (Project Lead The Way) Launch is our elementary school program which is intended to spark a lifelong passion for math, science, engineering, physics, design, creativity, and discovery. We will use a series of topic-based modules where our students will learn to be critical thinkers through collaboration, analysis, problem solving, and computational thinking. We will use technology, robotics, and everyday materials to explore topics such as energy, light and sound, motion and stability, and gravity.
I will post what our future designers and engineers are doing in STEM on their class pages linked below.
Bill Ungar
STEM Teacher
TK and Kindergarten - Structure and Function
Pushes and Pulls
1st Grade – Light and Sound
Light and Sound Light
Observing Earth, Sun, Moon, and Stars
2nd Grade – Materials Science
Properties of Matter
Form and Function
3rd Grade – Stability and Motion
Science of Flight
Forces and Interactions
4th Grade – Energy
5th Grade – Robotics and Automation
Robotics and Automation
Middle School STEM Elective
Middle School STEM Electives offered each trimester, focus on a different STEM theme or subject matter such as Robotics, Invention Workshop, The Science of Flight, Underwater Vehicles, etc. These electives are all about teaching middle schoolers how to think like designers and engineers, exposing them to new technologies, and providing them an environment to use their imagination and creativity!
6th Grade
Energy and the Environment
Inventor’s Expo
7th & 8th Grade
Maker Space
Maker Space is an hour long after school workshop program, that runs Mondays through Fridays from 3:15 - 4:15, and provides students the opportunity to explore, invent, build, make, construct, fabricate and design anything and everything under the sun! Our Maker Space program is part of a larger Maker Space community (similar workshops at thousands of other schools, churches, and community centers) all over the world, and part of the larger Maker movement.
The Maker Space philosophy is that it is essentially kid run. My role is that of a facilitator or coach. Each session, I provide materials, and pose a problem (and usually provide an example solution or two). Its up to the students to solve the problem - using their own creativity and imagination. I'm there to provide support and feedback, coach students on how to use tools and materials, but never to solve the problem for them, or tell them what to design. In time, we'll connect with other Maker Spacers, and form creative collaborations and community connections.
I'm sure you'll agree, Maker Space is a great way for our students to end their school day. (The fact that they line up at the door waiting impatiently to come in - speaks for itself).
Maker Space - Marble Run 1st to 4th grades
Maker Space - Rocket Ship Workshop Update
Maker Space - Magnetic Robot Workshop(s) Update
Maker Space - First Grade Bugs Workshop Update
Maker Space – Marble Run Workshop Update
Maker Space - Robot Marionettes
Maker Space - Light Saber Movie Props
Maker Space - Corkman, Flying Saucers, and Marshmallow Pop-Ups